Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The House Rules

Well, let's see how the Political Betting Fool is doing:

From April 30, 2005 - followed by today's betting results

1. DeLay is out by the end of May. / 2-1 and on its way to a sure thing.

Oh, I lost on this one, having underestimated DeLay's ability to hang out and the Reps' inability to dump a liability. But I can't fret too much. Even the GOP sees this as a big problem for the party in '06. So I lose a few bucks, but I consider it a worthy investment.

2. Frist compromises on the "nuclear option." / 4-1 and growing (he "wins" short-term by stretching out the fight).

This was almost a gimme. There was no way enough senators were going to torch the august traditions. Frist wins with the nutcase GOP right by getting enough of his fruitcake nominees voted on while keeping arm's length from the compromise which made it possible. Well played, Dr. Frist. Now if only someone can teach you how AIDS is -really- transmitted.

3. Bolton is confirmed for the U.N. / 3-1 and growing the longer it takes.

The house now holds this as even money. The White House loves piss 'em off diplomats, then whines that not enough countries support us outside of Burkino Faso, but even Boltie's proving hard to swallow. The Senate plays a much stronger role in foreign policy than the House, approving foreign policy officials, ratifying treaties and the like. After the "nuclear option" compromise, it might like to solidly its institutional resurgence by knocking off a thoroughly detestable fellow like Bolton.

4. Bush splits SS benefits/taxes from personal/private accounts in order to get something, anything, through so he can claim victory. / Even money

Since the rest of the players have walked away from the table here, the house will follow and close the bets. SS appears saved for now. Bush appears willing to play with himself on this issue.

5. Michael Jackson is convicted of underage freakiness. / The house won't touch that money (yuck!)

Again, the house folds due to lack of interest. Even the Rodney King riot crowd can't get up for this one.

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