Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

God vs. Darwin (another reply)

Joe Ebola said...
What I can never wrap my head around is the total lack of any scientific evidence for creation. The fundamentalist Christians call it "intelligent design" and try to have it taught alongside evolution in schools because they believe there are gaps in the scientific evidence of evolution. But they offer absolutely no evidence for ID. All they have is their faith. I can respect that, I don't bedgrudge them their faith, but it certainly shouldn't be taught in public schools. I understand the need to that mankind is special, but all the evidence points to us being talking apes.


This is my frustration with the anti-Darwin side. Because their view is wholly based on faith, they immediately assume every counterveiling is the same. They don't take time to understand the science.

It’s a clever device, in that when one can’t argue the scientific point, all that’s left is to insist it’s all a theological discussion, which requires equal time for all sides.

Your point about "talking apes" is what fuels a lot of this. If there is no guiding force, then we really might not be a divine creation's best work. And, it their view, it justifies people acting like "animals." They don't like where they think the theory takes them, so they reject the theory itself. Despite all the evidence in favor of it.

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