Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Monday, August 29, 2005

There's a Stiff Wind A' Blowin'

From today's New York Times:

"I'm afraid this is the one we've dreaded. I don't think the scenario could be any worse for us."ROBERT R. LATHAM JR., director of Emergency Management Operations for Mississippi.


As a native Californian who travels to and talks to the rest of the country for business, I'm constantly asked, "How do you people live with those earthquakes?"

My answer, "How do you live with those hurricanes (and tornadoes)?"

Response, "But we can see them coming!"

Counter-response, "Doesn't seem to do much good."

In 47 years of living in California, most of it in the Bay Area, I've rolled through two major shakes and any number of minor ones. Ain't no big. You roll with, pardon the pun. Since you -don't- have warning, you don't worry about it.

I can't imagine anything scarier than seeing a big. black twister barrelling toward you, or the wind picking up more and more speed as the hurricane descends. That's a living horror movie, where the monster/crazed maniac slowly sneaks up on the helpless victim, who can do nothing but think about the dismemberment to come.

Hurricanes come early and late, and seemingly quite often. You have "hurricane" season. Ever hear of "earthquake" season? There ain't one. There ain't even an earthquake decade.

Who foots the bill to rebuild every mosquito infested "Red state" after its monthly attack by Hurricane Kickass? Why, the Blue staters, of course, through the generosity of our contributions to the federal government. Third World economies in Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina certainly can't do it. Only the hard-working stiffs of the coastal and Northeastern states have that collective capability.

Perhaps we Blue staters should consider withholding our portion of the federal budget for this. After all, why should we subsidize their poor choice of where to live?


Anonymous said...

As a misplaced Blue Stater living in Tennessee let me say - we really appreciate it.

expatbrian said...

Like your style. Hope you don't mind if I list your blog on mine. So many of the blogs are crap that I like to expose any readers I might have to something worthwhile.


expatbrian said...

oh, and by the way..I lived in the bay area for 43 years. Felt a shaker or two myself.

Anonymous said...

I've perused your site and seem to have a similar opinion of most topics...but, having grown up on the Texas coast, I supposed I have a different point of view about living in hurrican alley versus the earthquake zone. Both frighten me...have done for my 51 years. Having dealt with one devasting hurricane as a high schooler, I now know that I would high-tail it out of town if I lived anywhere near a prospective strike point for a hurricane. Not sure just how to do that for an earthquake. Would enjoy your comments about my blog, www.musingsfrommyopia.blogspot.com