Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Down Home Politics

COMMENTARY: Utah Senator’s Contributions Come From Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling?(from the Interfaith Alliance)

For almost 30 years, Orrin G. Hatch has been an influential representative of Mormon-dominated Utah. Yet he has accepted campaign contributions from wealthy sinners in the alcohol, tobacco and gambling industries -- a fact that may surprise some residents.

These have not been token contributions. We're talking serious money, enough to put Hatch among the top recipients from these industries. In 2000, Hatch received $20,500 from the tobacco industry, putting him in eighth place in the U.S. Senate that year. This year, he received $17,000, putting him in fifth place (but, of course, the year is young).

Representatives of the beer, wine and liquor industries gave Hatch $34,600 in 2000 and $26,000 this year, putting him in 10th and fifth places respectively. The gambling industry contributed $19,182 in 2000, putting Hatch in sixth place in the Senate for gaming dollars… "Religion need not become an issue for public servants because what really matters is how one casts his votes while in office. And sometimes personal beliefs must be set aside in the spirit of compromise, or as a matter of law.” (Daily Herald, “Hatch's donors of ill repute,” 04-21-06)


Good point. As the old Texas saying goes: if you can't drink their beer, smoke their cigars and (fornicate with) their women and still vote against them, you don't deserve to be in politics.

FYI, here's Hatch's voting record, via Project Vote Smart. Among other things, he was consistent in his love of agonizing misery, either through alcoholic poisoning or debilitating illness, expressed through voting down funds for AIDS drug assistance in 2005.

What a man.

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