Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Friday, June 23, 2006

God and Walmart in Arkansas - Oy vey!

From the Interfaith Coalition:

Wal-Mart Transforms Arkansas Town Into Multi-Faith Mini-Metropolis
“Residents of Benton County, in the northwest corner of Arkansas, are proud citizens of the Bible Belt. At last count, they filled 39 Baptist, 27 United Methodist and 20 Assembly of God churches.

For decades, a local hospital has begun meetings with a reading from the New Testament and the library has featured an elaborate Christmas display. Then the Wal-Mart Jews arrived.

Recruited from around the country as workers for Wal-Mart or one of its suppliers, hundreds of which have opened offices near the retailer's headquarters here, a growing number of Jewish families have become increasingly vocal proponents of religious neutrality in the county. They have asked school principals to rename Christmas vacation as winter break (many have) and lobbied the mayor's office to put a menorah on the town square (it did).

Wal-Mart has transformed small towns across America, but perhaps its greatest impact has been on Bentonville, where the migration of executives from cities like New York, Boston and Atlanta has turned this sedate rural community into a teeming mini-metropolis populated by Hindus, Muslims and Jews.” (New York Times, “In Wal-Mart's Home, Synagogue Signals Growth,” 06-20-06)

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