Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Teevee in the 'Hood - update

dhgulley said...
Having never watched such shows as "Seinfeld," "Friends," or any of the other so-called "Blockbuster" sitcoms m'self, I always question why I'm not in the majority who enjoy this type of show. So I asked m'self....M'self said, "I'm not learning anything new."So I guess I'm going to have to admit to being one of those odd people who enjoy watching something such as "Nova" and coming away knowing something I didn't know before. Weird, huh?


Then people look at you with wide-eyed wonder and ask, "Well, what do you -do- then? Like they can't possibly imagine doing anything else with their free time. Even on the tube, when people ask me what I do watch and I tell them the History or Science or National Geographic channels, which tell me something I didn't know before, it's like saying you asked the teacher for more homework. Oh well.

Here in Sacramento the NBA basketball Kings are gods. I'm not that that big of a pro basketball fan, which also elicits wide-eyed wonder from folks who can't imagine such a thing from a 6'2" black guy. My problem is to really follow pro basketball you have to see it visually to really get into the game. It just doesn't work over the radio. "He drives to the basket and scores!" just doesn't do it. You have to see exactly how he did it to appreciate it.

Baseball, however, works great over the radio. The relaxed pace lends itself to good descriptive narrative. One of my favorite Giants announcers once said he preferred doing radio over teevee "because the pictures are better". I don't have to come home and park myself in front of the tube for three hours to follow the Giants, like my Kings fans friends do.

As a matter of fact, the multimedia approach works great. On a typical evening I can "watch" the first part of a game via Internet updates on Yahoo! Sports, listen to the middle on my car radio and watch the last few innings on cable teevee. I'm not tied down for the late afternoon or evening.

Yet another reason why baseball is the world's best sports pastime.

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