Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Good Work!!

I would love to have been a fly on the wall when the following conversation took place:

GW Bush: “I need to reassure my radical base about Miers but I can’t do it myself. Get down to Texas and ask some of the cronies to front for me.”

Soon after, several judges insist that Miers’s religious beliefs will require her to overturn Roe v. Wade. Good work! At least we know that Karl Rove is still on the job.

So the Bush team has managed to do what John Roberts managed to avoid, inject personal religious beliefs smack dab into the middle of the confirmation process. Good work!!

For eons, conservatives have insisted that judges’ job was to interpret and apply the law, not rule on personal convictions. Okay. Last I looked, religious convictions were just as personal as liberal political convictions. If Miers’s religious convictions will require that she rule a certain way on longstanding case law then, by their own actions, the conservatives have disqualified Miers from holding a seat on the high bench. Good work!!

The GOP’s knock on Clinton was that he was all campaign, no govern. After five years, it’s looking like a case of familiarity breeding contempt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With Clinton it was all about the Rule of Law. Now with the CIA leak, Frist's questionable stock sales and the sleazy Texan DeLay they're lamenting the "criminalization of politics".

Their hypocrisy is complete - they've become what they hated.