Terry Preston's in-depth views on the pressing issues of the day, from God, sex and national politics to the high price of a good beer at the ballgame. Any and all comments to these comments are encouraged.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Peanuts and Crackerjack

Man, I sure hope this business of belting out "God Bless America" at ballgames stops this year.

It's not only mighty hard on the ears, give me "America the Beautiful" any day for good patriotic tune, it's a ridiculous choice in it's sung at the seventh inning in response to an attack by homicidal maniacs who insist they're doing God's bidding. It turns it all into a war of My God vs. Your God. I don't like baseball being used for that kind of nonsense. (I do go to church, BTW)

We didn't start singing the national anthem before ballgames until WW2. There was a big debate at the time over whether it was right to keep playing pro baseball in the middle of the war. By adding the national anthem, pro baseball made each game a pep rally, and earned justification for staying open (and keep making money) during the war.

Although I -love- "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." And I'll miss "O Canada" now that the Expos are in DC.

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